Safety in Sport

Responsible Coaching Movement

The Three Steps to Responsible Coaching help ensure participants and coaches benefit fully from sport participation in a safe, healthy, and fun environment.

Rule of Two

The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable, and justifiable. Its purpose is to protect participants (especially minors) and coaches in potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring more than one adult is present. There may be exceptions in emergency situations.

Background Screening

Background screening ensures that coaches meet the important requirements to coach athletes. Screening tools include comprehensive job postings, criminal record checks, interviews, and reference checks. Coaches can complete their criminal record check screening with their local police department or by visiting Sterling Talent Solutions.

Note: If you opt to do your criminal record check screening with Sterling Talent Solutions, you will have to take your Vulnerable Sector Screening through your local police department.

Ethics Training

Ethics training prepares coaches to effectively handle situations that arise from ethical dilemmas or even legal challenges that concern individuals, teams, and their sports organizations.

Ethics training includes the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (MED) module within the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), as well as training in abuse and harassment prevention, such as Respect in Sport, which coaches can take before and during their coaching career.

Successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (MED) training equips coaches to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.

Respect in Sport training empowers coaches and parents to recognize and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD).

There are two ways to complete ethics training:

  1. In-class workshop: To participate in an in-class NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module, please contact your local Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative.
  2. Home study: Some provinces and territories offer the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module through home study. Please contact your local Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative for more information.

Respect in Sport, and Commit to Kids training is also delivered through interactive, online home-study.


Respect in Sport

The Respect in Sport Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials, parents and participants (14-years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). The Activity Leader and Parent Programs are the Safe Sport Canada solution! The Respect in Sport Program is an online certification program designed to protect our youth as well as enhance Alberta Basketball’s directive of providing a safe and fun environment for all of our participants. It is Canada’s leading online bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence prevention program for parents, coaches, and community leaders. It is offered in two different streams:

Respect in Sport Parent


The Respect in Sport Parent Program will help define a standard of behaviour for all parents and create a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. Parents want to do a great job supporting their kids. Respect in Sport provides parents with the tools to create and maintain Safe Sport environments. With over 1.25 Million people Respect Certified, we are the Safe Sport Canada Solution!

Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coaches


The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14-years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD). Our Activity Leader and Parent Programs are the Safe Sport Canada solution!

Keeping Girls in Sport

Keeping Girls in Sport - Respect Group Inc. | Harassment + Abuse ...

Keeping Girls in Sport was created to help everyone who coaches girls, even parents, understand how girls develop physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. When we understand how and why girls play we can help every young athlete stay in sport, reach their potential, and remain active long after the competitions end. Finally becoming the next generation of inspiring female coaches and role models.


Canadian Sport Helpline

The Canadian Sport Helpline will provide callers with advice on the next steps they can take, as well as direct them to the most appropriate national and local services and resources available to them, including the police, child protection services, existing provincial/territorial helplines, or any other relevant services.

It provides professional listening and referral services by phone and text at 1-888-83-SPORT (77678) and by email at, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, seven days a week.

For more information, visit

What is child abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation?

Find out how to recognize and know the warning signs.

Call 911 if you or the person is in immediate danger.

Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-387-5437 (KIDS) to get help if you, or children you know, are being neglected, abused or sexually exploited. If you believe a child is at risk, you must report it.

Help is available in multiple languages 24/7.


Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services

“Working together for an Alberta free of sexual assault and sexual abuse”

“I Believe You” - The one line a survivor needs to hear

The one line to Call (or text): 1 866 403-8000


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