CB Academy Tryouts Update

Sep. 20, 2021

As of Tuesday, September 28th @ 12:00pm (Noon) a listing of athletes being invited to the final selection (on October 3rd) will be posted on the ABA website via the specific program pages below by location and age group. Please verify both age groups for your athletes name & number.


A username or password will not be needed to access the lists once the lists have been posted.


15U (2007, 2008, 2009)

18U (2004, 2005, 2006)

Calgary 15U Girls

Calgary 18U Girls

Calgary 15U Boys

Calgary 18U Boys

Edmonton 15U Girls

Edmonton 18U Girls

Edmonton 15U Boys

Edmonton 18U Boys

Lethbridge 15U-18U Girls



CB Academy Tryouts Update - September 20, 2021

Updates in these areas:

  • Re-Opening Registration

  • Facilities Adhering to Restriction Exemption Program/Vaccine Requirements

  • Refund Information

  • Tryout Protocol

  • Make-up Session 

Re-Opening Registration

Due to the challenges last week has created we will re-open registration for the Canada Basketball (CB) Academy tryouts. Registration will open on Monday, September 20th at 12:00pm and will close Wednesday, September 22nd at 12:00pm. If you would like to Register for CB Academy Here

Facilities Adhering to Restriction Exemption Program/ Vaccine Requirements

As of September 20, 2021, University of Lethbridge, Mount Royal and SAIT in Calgary, and the Saville Centre in Edmonton are adhering to the Government of Alberta’s Restriction Exemption’s Program requiring all patrons/attendees aged 12 and over to provide valid:

  • proof of vaccination, or
  • proof of a privately-paid negative rapid test result taken within 72 hours of service, or
  • documentation of a medical exemption

Please select the facility link below to view their guidance for this weekend’s tryouts:

Refund Information

We understand that these new measures may present issues for some participants. If you choose to no longer continue with programming based on these new measures please contact the ABA office at info@basketballalberta.ca

Please note that refunds for the tryout fee will be made by the week of October 18th.

Tryout Protocol

The first two sessions of the CB Academy will serve as an evaluation period for athlete consideration. 

Session #1: Open Tryout- September 26th 

  • All registered athletes are invited to the first tryout on Sunday, September 26th. 

Session #2: Final Selection - Invite Only- Oct 3rd

  • As of Tuesday, September 28th @ 12:00pm a listing of athletes being invited to the second session for final selection (on October 3rd) will be posted on the ABA website via the specific program pages below by location and age group. 

Canada Basketball Academy Selected Participants

  • The final selection of athletes that will be participating in the Canada Basketball Academy will be posted on our website via the specific program pages below by location and age group on Tuesday, October 5th at 12:00pm.

Make-up Session

Due to the postponing of the CB Academy start date, we will be adding another session date on November 14, 2021 to the Calgary and Edmonton locations. This information will be shared with all CB Academy participants once confirmed this week.




CB Academy Tryouts Postponed

On September 15, the Government of Alberta declared a State of Public Emergency and announced new temporary public health measures to protect the health system and reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

In response to this, facility access has been suspended at this time. 

As a result, ABA will be postponing the Canada Basketball Academy tryouts to the following weekend of September 26, 2021.

Alberta Basketball will be reviewing the impact of new enacted measures from the Government of Alberta to prepare guidance for next steps forward. 

Please stay tuned, ABA will provide more information as it becomes available.

We look forward to getting back on the court again as soon as it is safe to do so.



The ABA Staff


September 3rd - Program Update

The first two sessions of the CB Academy will serve as an evaluation period for athlete consideration. 

Session #1: Open Tryout- Sept 26th

All registered athletes are invited to the first tryout on Sunday, September 26th. 

Session #2: Final Selection - Invite Only- Oct 3rd

As of Tuesday, September 21st @ 12:00pm a listing of athletes being invited to the second session for  final selection (on September 26th) will be posted on the ABA website via the specific program pages below by location and age group. 

Canada Basketball Academy Selected Participants

The final selection of athletes that will be participating in the Canada Basketball Academy will be posted on our website via the specific program pages below by location and age group on Tuesday, September 28th at 12:00pm.


Athletes must be registered for tryouts and conflicts communicated to ABA by Wednesday, September 15th. ABA will not accept walk-up registrations. 

Please notify the ABA office at info@basketballalberta.ca if there is a scheduled conflict that may prevent an athlete from attending the first week’s session. Athlete’s will not be considered for the second session if they have not notified the ABA office in advance.

15U(2007, 2008, 2009)

18U(2004, 2005, 2006)

Calgary 15U Girls

Calgary 18U Girls

Calgary 15U Boys

Calgary 18U Boys

Edmonton 15U Girls

Edmonton 18U Girls

Edmonton 15U Boys

Edmonton 18U Boys

Lethbridge 15U-18U Girls


August 3rd

Provincial Teams Are Back!

Pay special attention to the info in the academy release to see what we are building towards next summer!

CB Academy Program Announcement

ABA is proud to announce the details of the Canada Basketball Academy for the Fall 2021.

Please see the information below:


New for 2021, ABA is pleased to announce our Canada Basketball Academy which will be held in Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge. Athletes will be invited to register for program tryouts on September 19 via the ABA website for the Calgary and Edmonton locations. Lethbridge athletes please use the additional portal to register.

There will be 18 athletes per age group and location, selected from the tryouts to participate in the Canada Basketball Academy.

Program session dates are posted below and in the final week all program participants will be invited to attend the Canada Basketball Western ID Camp, registration details to follow.


Program Description

The Canada Basketball (CB) Academy is aligned with the Team Alberta Provincial Program, Canada Basketball's Cadet & Junior National Team programs as well as with Canada Basketball’s player development curriculum. There will be two age groups, 18U (2004, 2005, 2006) and 15U (2007, 2008, 2009). These age groupings will coincide with the athlete identification process for the 2022 Canada Basketball 15U and 17U Boys and Girls National Championships and the 18U Canada Summer Games. 

The 2021 CB Academy will be an introduction to ABA’s athlete identification pathway for the 2022 Team Alberta Program. The pathway will include participation in the TAS Program, Western Canada ID Camp, TAB Open ID and Assessment Camps.

The CB Academy will focus on athletes skill development, decision making, and playing in the four phases of the game: offense, defence, offensive and defensive transition.

Program format will be dependent upon each region and will be based on athlete participation.



Calgary Boys - Dan Vanhooren

Calgary Girls - Robyn Fleckenstein

Edmonton Boys - Reagan Wood

Edmonton Girls -  Isabel Ormond

Lethbridge Girls - Dave Waknuk & Paige Crozon

Program Dates



Sept 26 

Open Tryouts

Oct 3

Invite Only Tryout

October 10

Thanksgiving Weekend - No Sessions

Oct 17


Oct 24


Oct 31


Nov 5-7

Western Canada ID Camp- More Info to Follow

Nov 14th



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