POSTPONED - Best in the West Confernce

Mar. 13, 2020

Coaches of Alberta, and Registrants of Calgary Best in the West,

In light of new information and recent events, Golden Ticket Sports has been in consultation with Alberta Health Authorities, Public Health, our Hosts and Alberta Basketball.

At this time we feel it is best to postpone our April Best in the West Coaches and Players Clinics event(s), and reschedule. 
We are hopeful you will be able to join us on our new proposed date.

Calgary August 21-23, 2020. 
It is our plan to keep our line up of speakers the same for the August dates.

We will be communicating our postponement and reschedule with those who have signed up, in addition to those who have expressed interest. Both through email and social media outlets via Basketball Alberta and our own.

While we do not know if August will be better than April, but we are hopeful. There has been great support for this event, and a desire to make it happen from all parties.

For attendee's who have registered you have two options as it pertains to your registration.

1) Email and ask for a full refund. 
2) Leave your registration as is if you plan to attend the new proposed dates.

As we get closer to August, and learn more information we will continue to update you.

If you have made travel plans or hotel plans, please refer to cancellation/alteration policies as directed by said parties.

Please follow us on Social Media for announcements and relevant information.

Twitter: @GTSportsinc

Thank you for the support.



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