ABA statement for May 19

May. 19, 2020

The past two-plus months have been disruptive to everyone's lives in ways that have been unimaginable. School, work, friends, sports and virtually all areas of our lives have been altered and restricted in order to keep our communities and province healthy as we have all been asked to sacrifice in order to 'Flatten the Curve.'
You are all to be thanked and congratulated for your contribution to making Alberta one of the most successful provinces in the country in accomplishing this collective goal.
We now are moving into a multi-phased approach of slowly returning to a sense of normalcy. The Alberta Basketball Association wants to be a responsible and definitive resource for all players, coaches, clubs, organizations and everyone who is involved in our great sport.
ABA will share the most current information with you as it becomes available in what the provincial regulations are and what best practices need to be adhered to in order to make a safe return to playing basketball, once again.
Please watch for our updates and contact us if you have any questions. We are all in this together. Thank you for your efforts so far and let's see this through until the COVID-19 threat is eliminated.

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