ABA Return to Sport

Jun. 18, 2020

The Alberta Basketball Association wants to thank all presenters and participants who joined us for Tuesday night’s Town Hall Meeting. 

The information was intended to provide clarification of the Guidance For Sport, Physical Activity And Recreation - Stage 2 document released by the Government of Alberta and Canada Basketball’s Back to Basketball: Return to Sport Guidelines (Version 1.0), as well as medical and legal considerations. 

ABA recognizes that there are differences between Canada Basketball’s Return to Sport Guidelines (specifically their position that basketball groups should be in the first phase of their plan) and the Government of Alberta’s Stage 2 protocols for participation in team sports (specifically the allowance for the formation of cohorts). ABA also recognizes that the terms Phase 1/Phase 2 and Stage 1/Stage 2 were used interchangeably between the two documents and this resulted in some confusion.

ABA is reviewing both documents and will provide revised guidelines next week.

Please contact our office at 780.427.9044 or info@basketballalberta.ca if you have any questions.

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