On Friday, June 26th, the Alberta Basketball Association’s (ABA) Board of Directors approved the Return to Play Phase 2 - Return to Modified Training - Small Groups and Phase 3 - Return to Modified Games.
The Alberta Basketball Return to Play Guidelines outline sport-specific details and are in accordance with the Canada Basketball’s Return to Basketball document and fits within the Government of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy.
This document provides guidelines and resources such as a declaration of compliance, individual waivers, daily attestation forms, and trace logs that will support a phased return to basketball.
To be consistent with Long Term Athlete Development principles, we encourage clubs, organizations and cohorts to progress from Phase 2 to Phase 3 as a best practice.
ABA members may choose to train indoor or outdoor with modified health and safety measures in place. In order for sanctioning to be applied the following documents must be completed prior to the resumption of activity:
These are the required forms for insurance coverage associated with the risks of basketball activity, not for COVID-19 as contagion insurance is not being offered at this time.
Alberta Basketball would like to thank our members and the basketball community across the province for your patience and support during these challenging times. Stay safe and we will see you on the court again soon.
Any additional inquiries please contact info@basketballalberta.ca