Government of Alberta Declares State of Public Health Emergency

Sep. 15, 2021

Go to for the most up-to-date information on restrictions to contain COVID-19. 

Update September 15th

Sport, Fitness, Recreation And Performance Activities

Mandatory restriction - Effective Sept. 16 and 20

Youth (under 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities (Sept 16)

  • Indoor group classes, training, and competitions are permitted, but participants are required to:
    • screen for symptoms
    • maintain 2 metres distancing, except youth while engaged in physical activity
    • wear a mask, except youth while engaged in physical activity
  • Spectator attendance is restricted to 1/3 fire code capacity, attendees are limited to a single household or 2 close contact if living alone and must be masked and maintain 2 metres physical distancing.
  • Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.

Day and overnight camps (Sept 16)

  • Day camps required to maintain physical distancing between participants and masking indoors.
  • Overnight camps must follow cohort models.

Adult (over 18) sport, fitness, recreation and performance activities (Sept 20)

  • The following restrictions apply unless the facility or program implements the restrictions exemption program:
    • Indoor group classes and activities are not permitted.
    • Indoor competitions are paused except where vaccine exemptions have been granted.
    • Indoor one-on-one training and solo activities are allowed with 3 metre physical distancing.
    • Outdoor activities can continue with no restrictions.


July 29th

Alberta Government Announces Changes to Isolation Requirements and Testing

The following changes are effective as of TODAY, July 29:

Quarantine for close contacts of individuals with a positive test result is no longer mandatory.

Isolation for anyone with COVID-19 symptoms and for confirmed positive cases is still required.

Unimmunized individuals who know they have been exposed to COVID-19 should monitor for symptoms and seek testing if they become symptomatic.

Anyone who is not fully immunized should avoid high-risk locations such as continuing care facilities and crowded indoor spaces if they have been in contact with a case in the past 14 days.

Contact tracers will no longer notify close contacts of exposure. Individuals are asked to inform their close contacts when informed of their positive result.

Effective August 16

Individuals who test positive for Covid-19 will no longer be legally required to isolate, but it is still strongly recommended.

Individuals with symptoms of any respiratory infection (including COVID-19) should still remain at home until symptoms have resolved. Staying home when sick remains an important way to prevent passing on any infection.

COVID-19 testing will be available through assessment centres until Aug. 31 and, after that, will be in primary care settings including physicians’ offices and in hospitals for those requiring emergency care.

July 2nd

The following guidelines have be provided from the Government of Alberta, please reveiw and apply accordingly:

ABA will share all Provincial Guideline updates as they become available. 


Update June 30th

The Province of Alberta will move to Stage 3 of its re-opening plan on July 1st.

As soon as provincial guidelines are available we will share those with you.

Please stay safe and cool over the coming days as we feel the heat here is Alberta.

June 15th

Government of Alberta releases Stage 2: Guidance for Sport

The complete Stage 2 Guidance document is available here



Permitted Activities

  • Indoor or outdoor training, practices, events, competitions, gameplay, and league play.


  • Indoors, masking is required for sports that are primarily low-intensity (e.g., bowling), but not required for aquatic activities or high-intensity sports.  
  • Participants are required to mask in all other indoor areas of the facility (e.g., change rooms, hallways, entries and exits).  
  • Masking is not required for outdoor sports, but is encouraged in low intensity practice where physical distancing is not maintained.

Physical Distancing

  • Physical distancing is not required during game play or in sport practice, but 2 metres distancing is required indoors at all times when not actively participating in the sport. 
    • Wherever possible, physical distancing should be maintained during sport practice (i.e., in training exercises where close contact is not required).
    • Coaches/trainers may enter physical distance space for brief interactions with participants to correct form or technique and provide guidance during games/training sessions but must wear a mask during the interaction. 

Contact Tracing

  • To support public health contact tracing efforts in the event that an attendee tests positive or an outbreak is identified, organizers are responsible for collecting the names and contact information of all participants.
    • If Alberta Health Services determines a COVID-19 case to be infectious during game/practice/tournament etc. all of the members of the teams playing each other during the infectious period of the case will be considered close contacts and be required to quarantine as per current quarantine requirements.  

Screening & Response Plan

  • Operators should ask all attendees, including participants, parents, instructors and chaperones to screen themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 using the Alberta Health Daily Checklist before attending the facility or activity.
  • Individuals exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms may not participate in games or training
  • The organizer of the sport, fitness or recreation activity must have detailed plans for a rapid response if an attendee becomes symptomatic while at the location where the activity occurs. For more information on what this must include, see the General Operational Guidance. 
  • It is strongly recommended that individuals engaging in sport, fitness and/or recreation and who are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, be vaccinated as a means to reduce the risk.


  • Organizers should ask participants to bring their own equipment/materials, where feasible.  
  • If the organizer is providing equipment or materials, they should minimize the shared use of equipment/materials, and, if possible, assign specific equipment/materials to each attendee.  
  • Participants must perform hand hygiene before and after an activity where shared equipment (e.g., balls) are used.  
  • Organizers must clean and disinfect any shared equipment/materials between uses.


  • Audiences must be limited to the capacity for the facility: 
    • 1/3 of normal seating capacity for indoor settings (fixed seating only); no indoor non-seated audiences are permitted. 
    • 1/3 of normal seating capacity for outdoor fixed seating settings. 
    • 150 people for an outdoor public gathering.  
  • All audiences must have 2 metres’ distance between households, or individuals who live alone and their 2 close contacts.  
  • Appropriate guidance for these settings must be followed.


  • All games/ training sessions must also adhere to safety protocols developed by the facility. 
  • All facility rules must be followed, including capacity limits, to meet Government of Alberta Standards.

Cohorts for 0-11 year olds

  • Cohorts are strongly recommended for sports with children 0-11 years of age: 
    • These groups should be no more than 50 children (including all teams who play games with each other). 
    • Staff and coaches are not counted as part of the 50-person cohort. 
    • Members of the cohort are not required to physically distance themselves from one another when actively participating in the sport. 
    • Members of different cohorts should stay physically distanced and not interact (e.g., play, practice or compete) with each other.  
  • Children should participate in only one cohort at a time. 
    • Parents should wait 7 days following the end of a child’s participation in one cohort before allowing them to join a new cohort. 


June 10th 

Fitness, Recreation and Sport Activities (Indoor and Outdoor)

Mandatory - Provincewide - Effective June 10, 2021

Indoor Fitness and Recreation Facilities

  • Indoor recreation facilities (such as arenas, indoor wave pools, children play centres, bowling alleys and rec centres) can open at 1/3 of fire code occupancy.
  • Gyms and fitness studios can open for solo and drop-in activities, one-on-one training, and indoor fitness classes.
  • Additional safety measures include:
    • 3 metres of physical distancing must be maintained at all times.
    • Indoor fitness spaces, including spaces for group fitness classes, are limited to the number of people able to fit in the space while maintaining 3 metre distance from each other at all times.
    • Pools, steam rooms, saunas, and hot tubs within a fitness facility may operate at one-third capacity (2 metre distance between households)
    • Trainers and instructors may be able to come within 3 metres distance of a client/participant for brief moments to correct form or help demonstrate. However, they must be masked during the interaction and sanitize hands before and after.
    • Masking is:
      • no longer required for exercise but is strongly encouraged for all participants, especially during indoor exercise classes or in small spaces with limited ventilation
      • still required when not engaging in the fitness activity, such as while  moving between fitness equipment or changing in locker rooms

Outdoor Recreation Facilities

  • Outdoor recreation facilities can open with no capacity limits, but 2 metres distance must be maintained between members of different households. Examples include: outdoor pools and spray parks, golf courses, tennis and pickleball courts, croquet pitches, running and bicycle tracks, velodromes.

Sport and Recreation Activities

  • All indoor and outdoor sport and recreation activities are permitted provincewide, including:
    • team sports
    • group practices or training
    • games, competitions and league play
  • Physical distancing is not required during game play or sports practice, but is required outside of play/practice.
  • Masks are required for indoor sports that are primarily low-intensity physical activities such as bowling.


  • Spectators can attend indoor and outdoor physical activities and performances:
    • 1/3 venue capacity for indoor activities (arenas, theatres) and for outdoor fixed-seated (grandstand) events
    • 150 people maximum for non-fixed seated events (this limit includes spectators, athletes/performers, production teams, referees and coaches)
    • 2 metres of physical distancing must be maintained at all times

Youth Day and Overnight Camps

  • Camps can operate with cohorts of 50 or fewer participants.
    • Cohort is a group of participants and staff who stay together for duration of camp
    • Camps can have multiple cohorts (no capacity limit) but cohorts must be separated at all times, including dining and activities
    • Participants should reside in the same accommodation as the rest of their cohort for the duration of their stay (no rotating)
  • Masks are required in all communal indoor areas, but not in the accommodation area.

Stage 2 Guidance documents from the Government of Alberta will be available soon.



June 4th

Its exciting news that the Provincial Government has announced guidelines for returning to play as early as June 10th. ABA has been working with AHS and SPAR and will release a detailed summary of the guidelines as soon as they are available. In the mean while stay safe and have a great weekend!


May 26th 

Alberta's "Open for Summer" Plan provides a three-stage road map to lifting health restrictions and safely getting back to normal. 

We will provide updates as soon as more details become available.


May 5th

Expanded Restrictions for High Case Regions

Starting May 5, additional restrictions come into effect for regions with at least 50 cases per 100,000 people, and at least 30 active cases.

These restrictions will be in place for at least 3 weeks and will be extended if necessary. Provincewide restrictions remain in effect for all other communities.

See active case rates in your region | Download affected region list (May 4)

If you have a question regarding whether these measures apply to a specific region or municipality please see the affected region list linked above. This list will be updated regularly.

Fitness, Performance and Recreation Activities - Indoor and Outdoor

Mandatory, additional restrictions for high case regions - Effective at 11:59 pm on May 9

Indoor Activities

  • All indoor sport, performance and recreation activities for youth and adults are prohibited.
  • Indoor fitness and recreation facilities must close, including for 1-on-1 training.

Outdoor Activities

  • All outdoor sports and recreation activities are prohibited, except with members of your household, or your two close contacts if you live alone. This includes:
    • all group physical activities, such as team sports, fitness classes, training sessions
    • all one-on-one lessons and training activities
    • all practices, training and games
  • Outdoor recreation facilities can remain open unless specifically closed by public health order.

April 29th 

Starting April 30, targeted restrictions will apply to municipalities or regions where there are at least 350 cases per 100,000 people and 250 active cases.

These restrictions will remain in place for 2 weeks, or until the region falls back below the case threshold - whichever is longer.

You can see the number of active cases and rate of active cases in your region, and find out if additional restrictions apply to you.


In addition to these additional measures, all other provincewide restrictions will remain in effect.


Mandatory, additional restrictions for hot spot regions - Effective May 3

Grades 7 to 12 must shift to online learning.

K to 6 students will continue in-classroom learning, unless Alberta Education approves a shift to online-learning.

Indoor Fitness

Mandatory, additional restrictions for hot spot regions - Effective April 30

All indoor fitness activities are prohibited. This includes:

  • group physical activities, such as team sports, fitness classes and  training sessions
  • one-on-one lessons and training activities
  • practices, training and games

Outdoor fitness activities may continue if all other provincewide restrictions and safety measures are followed.

Indoor Sport and Recreation Activities

Mandatory, additional restrictions for hot spot regions - Effective April 30

All youth and adult indoor sport and recreation activities are prohibited. This applies to all youth activities, including for students still learning in classrooms.

All indoor recreation facilities must close. Outdoor recreation amenities can be open to public access unless specifically closed by public health order.

For more information please Click Here

We will continue to provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


April 28th - Guidance for Sport, Fitness and Recreation from the Government of Alberta

Updates Include the following:

For any group of youths doing sport, fitness, or recreation, up to 2 additional adults may attend to provide safety and security to that group. 

  • These chaperoning adults must stay 3 metres away from the participants and not participate in the activity.

For more information please visit this Link.


April 22nd

Youth and Collegiate Sport and Recreation Activities

Additional measures for Calgary, Edmonton and Fort McMurray youth in grades 7 to 12

  • All youth indoor sport and recreation activities that are not part of a school program (for example, physical education) are not permitted for grade 7 to 12 youth in the municipalities of Calgary and Fort McMurray, effective April 20, and the municipality of Edmonton, effective April 22. This includes homeschooled students.
  • These activities will be permitted again when in-person learning resumes.
  • Outdoor sport and recreation activities and 1-on-1 indoor fitness with a trainer or coach are still permitted.
  • Indoor activities may be moved outdoors, provided all safety requirements for outdoor physical activities are followed.

April 20th 

Additional measures for Calgary and Fort McMurray youth in grades 7 to 12

 April 16th 

Youth and Collegiate Sport and Recreation Activities:

Additional measures for Calgary youth in grades 7 to 12

  • Extra-curricular indoor sport and recreation activities are not permitted for grade 7 to 12 youth in the Municipality of Calgary, effective April 19. This includes homeschooled students.
  • These activities will be permitted again when in-person learning resumes.
  • Outdoor sport and recreation activities and 1-on-1 indoor fitness with a trainer or coach are still permitted.
  • Indoor activities may be moved outdoors, provided all safety requirements for outdoor physical activities are followed.

For more information please Click Here

 April 9th

Government of Alberta Update

Youth and Collegiate Sport and Recreation Activities:

  • Safety Requirements
    • Maximum of 10 total individuals, including all coaches, trainers, and participants
      • Indoor and outdoor playing surfaces (for example, arena, field, court or swimming pool) may be occupied by more than one youth group, as long as 3-metres of physical distancing can be maintained between groups of 10 and the groups do not intermingle.
    • Physical distancing must be maintained between participants at all times:
      • 3 metres physical distance for indoor activities
      • 2 metres physical distance for outdoor activities
      • Coaches or trainers may enter physical distancing space for brief interactions with participants (for example, to correct form or technique)
    • Participants must be masked at all times, except during high intensity physical activity. Coaches and trainers must remain masked at all times.
    • Access to change rooms must be limited, including accelerated arrival and departure, emergencies (for example, first aid) and washroom use.

We appreciate everyone's efforts to date in following the provincial guidelines. Lets continue to work together to ensure a safe return to play. We will continue to provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


April 7th 

During Government of Alberta announcement today, there were no changes made to the existing guidelines in place for Youth Sports.

To see full details from todays announcement, refer to the April 6th Update link here.

Please note: Only one youth group can occupy an indoor playing surface at a time (for example, arenas, fields, courts or pools)

Eligible participants include:

  • youth 18 years old and under
  • members of a collegiate or university athletic program
  • coaches or trainers
  • Limited group physical activities allowed Lessons, practices and physical conditioning activities are allowed for indoor and outdoor minor sports/activities and school athletics (for example, school sport activities that are outside of a physical education class or related part of the school curriculum).

ABA will continue to provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.


March 1st

Today the Government of Alberta announced that the province would begin to move cautiously into Step 2 of Alberta’s 4 Step Path Forward.

At this time there have been no changes made to the existing guidelines in place as of February 8 for Children Sports.

Please refer to the February 16th and 19th updates below.

ABA will continue to provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.

February 19th 

Click Here to Read the Updated SPAR Document that aligns with Step 1 of the Government of Alberta Guidance.

Step 1-4 of the Government of Alberta “Path Forward” plan

February 16th 

It is great to see several groups returning to the court following the easing of restrictions on February 8.  Below is more information from AHS and SPAR to help guide you as you do so.
  • Participants should be encouraged to bring their own equipment.
  • Any shared equipment should be cleaned and sanitized at an increased frequency, and between each use.
  • Where equipment is rented, operators should clean and disinfect between each use.
  • Hands should be cleaned before and after using sporting gloves.
  • Sporting gloves should be cleaned after each use.
  • Discontinue use of equipment that is in disrepair, as these items cannot be effectively sanitized.
  • Wherever possible, limit the use of shared equipment unless participants engaged in the same activity are from the same household.
  • Participant-owned equipment, including sport gloves, should be visibly clean.
  • Equipment handled by hand or head (e.g., tennis balls, basketballs, soccer balls) during play should be frequently cleaned.
  • Do not use equipment that cannot be disinfected.
  • Have processes to ensure enhanced cleaning and disinfection of shared fitness equipment between each use by having readily available supplies and cleaning reminders and instructions located in accessible places.
  • Facility staff should ensure that cleaning occurs between uses.
If you have any questions please contact us at or call 780-427-9044

February 6th

Step 1 - Re-Opening Guidelines

As of February 6, 2021, Alberta Basketball has been made aware of the following changes brought forward by the Government of Alberta regarding limited school and minor team sport training activities.

Starting Feb. 8, children and youth will be allowed to participate in lessons, practices and conditioning activities for indoor and outdoor team-based minor sports and athletics. All games continue to be prohibited.

Limited school and minor sport training will be allowed under Step 1 of Alberta’s four step framework to carefully ease restrictions as pressure on the health system declines.

 January 29th

On Jan 29th, the Government of Alberta introduced the hospitalization benchmarks. These steps and benchmarks will provide a transparent approach to easing restrictions for businesses and individuals while protecting the health-care system. 

Each step has an associated benchmark of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, including intensive care patients. Changes to restrictions will be considered once a benchmark is reached.

The hospitalization benchmarks are:

  • Step 1 - 600 and declining
  • Step 2 - 450 and declining
  • Step 3 - 300 and declining
  • Step 4 - 150 and declining

With hospitalizations dipping below 600, Alberta will move to Step 1 on Feb. 8.

For more information please Click Here

 January 14th

 January 7th 

  • Enhanced public health measures will remain in place provincewide until at least Jan. 21.
  • Health officials continue to actively evaluate the situation and will adjust measures if required.
  • Businesses, organizations and service providers will be given at least one week’s notice prior to changes to the current health measures that may affect them.

December 8th

New provincewide restrictions announced to slow the spread of COVID-19

In response to increasing case numbers, Alberta has announced new restrictions.

Effective immediately, mandatory provincewide measures on social gatherings and masking are in effect.

Effective 12:01 a.m. on Dec. 13, additional restrictions will come into effect including business closures and restrictions on other services, retail businesses and attendance at places of worship.

These mandatory restrictions apply provincewide and will be in place for at least four weeks.

All existing guidance and legal orders remain in place, including closures previously required on Nov. 27.

Alberta Health, AHS and local municipalities continue to closely monitor the spread across the province.

Enforcement of public health measures

The government has granted certain Alberta peace officers and community peace officers temporary authority to enforce public health orders.

Expanding these authorities increases the number of officers able to levy fines by about 700.

Not following mandatory restrictions could result in fines of $1,000 per ticketed offence and up to $100,000 through the courts.

 All basketball training is restricted provincewide.

December 3rd

During Tuesday night’s Town Hall with Dr. Hinshaw, Minister Schweitzer, and Parliament Secretary Martin Lang; Dr. Hinshaw confirmed that one-to-one indoor training between a coach and an athlete could take place as long as a three metre distance is maintained. ABA recommends that that there is only one training group of 1:1 at each end basket; no more than two training groups per court - Please see the example diagram below

All enhanced public health measures would need to be followed at all times. 

In addition:

Participants should bring their own equipment such as basketballs, water bottles (filled at home), towel, sanitization products, any necessary medical supplies.

No sharing of any equipment

Masks are to be worn by coach and athlete at all times

November 30th 

Alberta declared a State of Public Health Emergency to protect the health care system from COVID-19. Indoor social gatherings are the top source of transmission. All indoor social gatherings have been banned. This ban will be enforced with $1,000 fines.

Group physical activities include team sports, fitness classes and training sessions.

Indoor group physical activities are prohibited unless:

the group only involves members of the same household.

the activity involves students at a school or post-secondary institution as part of an education program

the activity involves students at a post-secondary institution

One-to-one indoor training, such as training with a fitness trainer or coach, is permitted.
Outdoor group physical activity is limited to 10 people or fewer.

November 27th

Government of Alberta - Declares 2nd Public Health Emergency Status

On Tuesday, November 24, the Government of Alberta declared a second Public Health Emergency and announced new mandatory public health measures to protect the health system and slow the spread of COVID-19. The mandatory measures came into effect the week of November 24th & 27th and will be in place for at least the next three weeks.

Click Here for details on the Alberta Government's Public Health Emergency Measures

Mandatory restrictions for Areas with Enhanced Status (purple) Areas - Effective Nov. 27

All levels of sport (professional, semi-professional, junior, collegiate/universities and amateur). Exemptions may be considered.

Indoor fitness, recreation, sports and physical activity centers, including dance and yoga studios, martial arts, gymnastics and private or public swimming pools.

Facilities can be open for individual studio time, training or exercise only.

There can be no group fitness, group classes, group training, team practices or games.

Instructors can use facilities to broadcast virtual fitness classes from, but there can be no group classes.

Exemption process 

Exemptions may be considered for outfits and organizations that can demonstrate adherence to the guidance for professional sporting events (PDF, 405 KB). Criteria includes:

Enforcing a mandatory 14-day “quarantine-in” procedure before any practice or play occurs and using a bubble model for the duration of the event.

Access to dedicated facilities and transportation that are not open to the general public.

Conducting daily health checks on all members of the team, and private testing team members upon entry into the bubble and every five days throughout events.

Conducting a comprehensive risk assessment plan and implementing risk mitigation and controls before play begins.

To request an exemption, send your completed implementation plan to

During this time ABA will be sharing online materials from our We are Alberta Initiative which includes the Hoops @ Home, Hoops & Health and Hoops Hangouts series.

We are Alberta and we are all in this together. We look forward to getting back on the court again as soon as it is safe to do so.


The ABA Staff

November 24th

New mandatory public health measures are in place in communities across Alberta to protect the health system and slow the spread of COVID-19.

The mandatory restrictions come into effect November 24th and will be in place for at least three weeks.

Click Here for details on the Alberta Government's Public Health Emergency Measures

 November 13th

In compliance with the provinces announcement, ABA will not sanction any basketball activities from November 13-27, 2020 in areas with enhanced public health measures in effect. Please note that regions are being updated on a daily basis. ABA will be suspending the TAS Program sessions in all regions until further notice in these areas. 

Among the new targeted measures:

Ban on indoor team sports and group fitness classes (Nov 13-27)

Which means no competition or practices for clubs, community and recreational basketball

Ban on group singing, dancing & performing activities (Nov 13-27)

Does not include outdoor sports, 

Does not include individual sports, exercise, training or equipment use

Does not include Junior, Collegiate, University or Professional sports.

Click here for details on all additional public health measures.

Click here to watch the Government of Alberta live streams or video highlights on YouTube.

Click here to view the area’s in Alberta that have been designated for enhanced public measures

Additional information will be shared as soon as it becomes available. 

Please be safe and stay well; we all have a shared responsibility and will get through these next two weeks together.

 November 12th 

Good Evening Alberta Basketball Community,

This afternoon, Premier Jason Kenney and Alberta Health Services announced that effective tomorrow; Friday, November 13, 2020, there will be a mandatory two-week ban from November 13 - 27, on indoor group fitness classes, team sport activities and group performance activities in all areas that are designated as having enhanced public health measures in effect

Among the new targeted measures:

Ban on indoor team sports and group fitness classes (Nov 13-27)

Which means no competition or practices for clubs, community and recreational basketball

Ban on group singing, dancing & performing activities (Nov 13-27)

Does not include outdoor sports, 

Does not include individual sports, exercise, training or equipment use

Does not include Junior, Collegiate, University or Professional sports.

Click here for details on all additional public health measures.

Click here to watch the Government of Alberta live streams or video highlights on YouTube.

Click here to view the area’s in Alberta that have been designated for enhanced public measures




The Alberta Basketball Staff

November 9th Update - Tips for Remembrance Day & Diwali


Fully virtual events and live events with virtual attendance options are encouraged in place of in-person events wherever possible.

Consider options for outdoor ceremonies, wherever possible.

The capacity limit for in-person, audience style seated events is 100 when attendees are indoors or 200 when attendees are seated outdoors.

The seated distance between cohorts/households should be 2 meters.

Social gatherings in any Alberta region classified as “watch” or “enhanced” on the interactive map are limited to a maximum of 15 attendees both indoors and outdoors. Social gatherings in any “open” region can have 50 attendees at indoor gatherings or 100 attendees at outdoor gatherings.

Social gatherings are where people come together and move freely around to associate, mix or interact with each other for social purposes rather than remaining seated or stationary for the duration of the function or gathering. This includes luncheons, award ceremonies and receptions.

For example, a wreath laying ceremony outdoors could have up to 200-seated audience members, but a luncheon at the legion afterwards would be limited to the social gathering limits outlined above.

See Gatherings and Cohorts for more information.

Band and vocal performers should follow the Guidance for Instrumental Music and the Guidance for Singing and Vocal Performance.

Organizers and participants should be aware of local masking requirements.

It is strongly recommended that attendees, including ceremony dignitaries, be masked.

Veterans, Participants and Attendees

Veterans and participants should be physically distanced from each other and the other attendees upon entry into, during, and upon exiting the ceremony area

Place easy-to-distinguish floor markers to indicate physical distancing expectations.

Mobility considerations for veterans and other attendees (e.g., individuals who use wheelchairs or walking supports) include:

Wherever possible, have a household member or cohort provide any support required or requested.

Perform hand hygiene before and after providing mobility support to any individuals.

Ensure individuals who require or request mobility support are masked, as well as those providing support.

Consider options to limit the number of people who need to share or touch items (e.g., podiums, flags).

Poppy Donation

Provide/use hand sanitizer if exchanging poppies for cash donations.

Promote the use of cashless donations (i.e. “tap”, debit) wherever possible. Go to for the most up-to-date information on restrictions to contain COVID-19.

November 2nd

The COVID-19 symptom list for Albertans under the age of 18 has changed. As of November 2, runny nose and sore throat have been removed from the list of symptoms that require mandatory isolation for children.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health, said the changes to the symptom list are intended to get children and teenagers back into child care or classrooms as quickly and safely as possible, while minimizing the risk of COVID-19.

This update will also allow for youth participants to return to registered/organized sport cohort groups as quickly and safely as possible, while minimizing the risk of COVID-19.

ABA has modified the Attestation/Daily Health Check form to reflect the most recent Government of Alberta update - Please see the links below:

Daily Attestation/Health Questionnaire - For Children Under 18*

Daily Attestation/Health Questionnaire - 18 Year and Older

*Please note that all students in grades K-12 should use the Daily Attestation/Health Questionnaire - For Children Under 18, regardless of age.

Oct 26: Mandatory health measures in Calgary and Edmonton

Targeted temporary measures will help reduce COVID-19 transmission and limit the risks of cases growing exponentially in Edmonton and Calgary.

Effective immediately, a mandatory 15-person limit on all social gatherings in the City of Edmonton and City of Calgary is in effect.

This limit applies to gatherings such as dinner parties, wedding and funeral receptions, banquets and other gatherings.

It does not currently change measures for structured events such as dining in restaurants, theatres, worship services or wedding and funeral ceremonies.

This temporary limit will be reassessed in one month.


Along with the mandatory limit on social gatherings, voluntary public health measures remain in place for the entire Edmonton Zone and are also recommended for anyone living in or visiting the City of Calgary:

Limit each individual to no more than three cohorts (a core/household cohort, a school cohort, and one additional sport, social or other cohort). Young children who attend child care may be part of four cohorts, as child care cohorts have not been seen to be a high-risk context for spread.

Wear non-medical masks in all indoor work settings, except when alone in workspaces such as offices or cubicles where you can be safely distanced from others or an appropriate barrier is in place.

Surrounding communities in the Edmonton Zone should continue to follow the voluntary public health measures in place to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19.

No additional measures are being implemented in the communities surrounding Calgary.

All existing guidance and public health orders remain in place.

Contact tracing notifications

Alberta Health Services is adjusting how Albertans are notified if they attended an event at which a confirmed case of COVID-19 was present.

Alberta Health Services will now notify the event organizer and provide written notification to be directly emailed to attendees. Event organizers are to send these emails within 24 hours of being contacted.

Alberta Health Services will continue to directly notify close contacts of cases who were exposed outside of a public or private event, and will directly notify anyone who tests positive for COVID-19.


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