Limited school and team sports allowed as of Feb. 8

Feb. 06, 2021

Return to Play Announcement

Step 1 - Re-Opening Guidelines

As of February 6, 2021, Alberta Basketball has been made aware of the following changes brought forward by the Government of Alberta regarding limited school and minor team sport training activities.

Starting Feb. 8, children and youth will be allowed to participate in lessons, practices and conditioning activities for indoor and outdoor team-based minor sports and athletics. All games continue to be prohibited.

Limited school and minor sport training will be allowed under Step 1 of Alberta’s four step framework to carefully ease restrictions as pressure on the health system declines.

Children’s Sports and Performance Activities

Mandatory restrictions - Provincewide - Effective Feb. 8:

Children and youth will be allowed to participate in limited school and team sport activities.

  • Lessons, practices and conditioning activities are allowed for indoor and outdoor, team-based, minor sports/activities and school athletics.

  • Games are not allowed.

  • All participants must be 18 years old or younger, except coaches or trainers.

  • Maximum of 10 total individuals, including all coaches, trainers, and participants.

  • Physical distancing must be maintained between participants at all times:

    • 3-metres physical distance for indoor activities

    • 2-metres physical distance for outdoor activities

    • Coaches or trainers may enter physical distancing space for brief interactions with participants (for example, to correct form or technique)

  • Participants must be masked at all times, except during the training activity. Coaches/trainers/etc. must remain masked at all times.

  • Access to change rooms must be limited, including accelerated arrival and departure, emergencies (for example, first aid) and washroom use.

Performance activities

Children’s performance activities are permitted if related to school activities, such as music class.

Off-site facilities

K-12 schools and post-secondary institutions are allowed to use off-site facilities to support curriculum-related educational activities.


While limited indoor and outdoor activities for school and minor sports are allowed, strong public health measures remain in place. Please see the updated changes below: 

All other previously announced measures set to ease in Step 1 will also be permitted starting on Feb. 8 as part of Alberta’s four-step path forward.

Indoor masking and distancing requirements will remain in place throughout this stepped approach, and some degree of restrictions will still apply to all activities within each step.

A decision on Step 2 will be made if, after three weeks, there are 450 or fewer hospitalizations and the number is declining. The same re-evaluation period will be used for all subsequent steps.

Metrics based on cases and growth, including COVID-19 variants, are being monitored and will also be used to guide any decisions around the need to pause further steps or potentially increase restrictions.

Alberta’s government is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by protecting lives and livelihoods with precise measures to bend the curve, sustain small businesses and protect Alberta’s health-care system.

Ensuring Safe Sport - Rule of Two

Alberta Basketball is committed to the Coaching Association of Canada's Responsible Coaching Movement . Please see the information below on how the 'Rule of Two' applies to basketball activities. For more information on the Responsible Coaching Movement and the Rule of Two - Click Here.





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