ABA's Recommended Best Practices

Aug. 26, 2021

As we all look forward to getting back on the court this Fall, please review ABA’s recommended best practices below:

Self - Assessment

Everyone is encouraged to complete a self-assessment for COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending an organized basketball activity.

Daily Attestation Waiver- Children under 18

Daily Attestation Waiver- 18 Years and Older


As per provincial guidelines masks are not mandatory but each individual should decide if they would prefer to wear one in a group setting. Cities, towns, facilities or organizations may choose to have their own mask mandate so please follow that guidance as necessary.

Tracking Attendance

Although contact tracing is not currently required, tracking of attendance is still encouraged at this time.

Contact Tracing Logs

Additional Facility Expectations and Requirements

Everyone is encouraged to be aware that gyms, recreation centers, schools and other basketball facilities may have additional measures in place specific to their building and use of it. 

In addition to the above recommendations, everyone is encouraged to continue social distancing and hygiene practices whenever possible.